No. | HS Code | Prodcut Name | CIQ Code | Inspection and quarantine name | Product Category |
1 | 1901101010 | Premature infant/low birth weight infant formula (milk-based), breast milk nutritional supplement (milk-based) special infant formula (made from dairy products with total skimmed cocoa content <6% by weight) | 102 | Premature infant/low birth weight infant formula (milk-based), breast milk nutritional supplements (milk-based) special infant formula foods (total skimmed cocoa content by weight <6% dairy products) (breast milk nutritional supplements (milk-based) special Infant formula food) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
2 | 1901101010 | Premature infant/low birth weight infant formula (milk-based), breast milk nutritional supplement (milk-based) special infant formula (made from dairy products with total skimmed cocoa content <6% by weight) | 101 | Preterm infants/low birth weight infant formula (milk-based), breast milk nutritional supplements (milk-based) special infant formula food (by weight total skimmed cocoa content <6% dairy products) (premature infant/low birth weight infant formula ( Milk-based) food) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
3 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 105 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight fully skimmed cocoa content <40% powder, starch or refined wheat; fully skimmed cocoa content by weight <5% dairy products) (bean-based older infants and young children formula food ) | Soy-based infant formula food |
4 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 106 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight fully skimmed cocoa content <40% powder, starch or refined wheat; fully skimmed cocoa content <5% by weight dairy products) (cereal supplementary food for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
5 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 107 | Other retail packaged foods for infants (canned supplementary foods for infants and young children (canned supplementary foods for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
6 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 113 | Foods such as malt extract and grain flour and dairy foods (flour, starch, and wheat refined with skimmed cocoa content <40% by weight; dairy products with skimmed cocoa content <5% by weight) (cereal supplementary food for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
7 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 104 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% powder, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) (bean-based infant formula food) | Soy-based infant formula food |
8 | 1901109000 | Other retail packaged foods for infants and young children (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch or refined wheat; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 114 | Malt Extract, grain and dairy food-food powder (by weight of the fully defatted cocoa <40% flour, starch, wheat purified; by weight fully defatted cocoa content of <5% milk, Ltd.) (Canned supplementary foods infant ) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
9 | 1901900000 | Foods and dairy foods such as malt extract and grain powder (by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <40% of flour, starch, and wheat refined; by weight of fully skimmed cocoa content <5% of dairy products) | 115 | Foods such as malt extract and grain powder and dairy foods (prepared from flour, starch, and wheat with a content of skimmed cocoa <40% by weight; prepared from dairy products with a content of skimmed cocoa <5% by weight) (formula foods for special medical purposes) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
10 | 2106100000 | Concentrated protein and artificial protein material | 106 | Concentrated protein and artificial protein substances (formula foods for special medical purposes) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
11 | 2106909001 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula food | 103 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula food (amino acid metabolism disorder formula special medical purpose infant formula food) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
12 | 2106909001 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula food | 106 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula (milk protein deep hydrolysis formula special medical purpose infant formula) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
13 | 2106909001 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula food | 104 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula (lactose-free formula for special medical purpose infant formula) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
14 | 2106909001 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special infant formula food | 105 | Lactose-free formula or low lactose formula, milk protein partially hydrolyzed formula, milk protein deep hydrolyzed formula or amino acid formula, preterm/low birth weight infant formula (non-dairy-based), amino acid metabolism disorder formula, breast milk nutritional supplement (non-dairy-based) Special formula for infants and young children (partially hydrolyzed milk protein formula for special medical purpose infant formula) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
15 | 2106909019 | Other numbered unlisted foods containing endangered animal and plant ingredients | 111 | Other numbered unlisted foods containing endangered animal and plant ingredients (formula foods for special medical purposes) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
16 | 2106909019 | Other numbered unlisted foods containing endangered animal and plant ingredients | 110 | Foods not listed in other numbers containing endangered animal and plant ingredients (canned supplementary foods for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
17 | 2106909019 | Other numbered unlisted foods containing endangered animal and plant ingredients | 109 | Foods containing endangered animal and plant ingredients that are not listed in other numbers (cereal supplementary foods for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
18 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 144 | Other foods not listed in the number (formula foods for special medical purposes) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
19 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 141 | Other foods not listed in the number (breast milk nutritional supplements) | Formula foods for special medical purposes |
20 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 143 | Other foods not listed in the number (canned supplementary foods for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
21 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 142 | Other foods not listed in the number (cereal supplementary foods for infants and young children) | Supplementary foods for infants and young children |
22 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 151 | Other foods not listed in the number (maternal nutritional supplements) | Others (complementary food supplements, sports nutrition foods, etc.) |
23 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 150 | Foods not listed in other numbers (sports nutrition foods) | Others (complementary food supplements, sports nutrition foods, etc.) |
24 | 2106909090 | Food not listed in other numbers | 152 | Other foods not listed in the number (complementary food supplements) | Others (complementary food supplements, sports nutrition foods, etc.) |